Photo Diary 智慧营日志——By Coco 杜佳悦
Date:Nov,7th,2014 Class:2#
Recorder: Coco (Dujiayue)
Weather: cloudy
Hello everyone! My name is Coco, today I am very pleased to share my photo diary with you.
Every Friday, I will be very happy to come to the AiTuPo Leadership camp! Each of the courses are brought to my infinite surprise! This week, the teacher let us bring a bottle of mineral water, mud, sand, gravel, earthworms, cotton, vegetable seeds. . . . . . . Can you guess what we want to make? I was so filled with excitement for this wonderful class!
AiTuPo Leadership Camp’s lessons are really interesting. First we had a movie about Christmas. It was about a green ogre's story, a standard American fiction film. All of the students seemed very fascinated with the movie.
Then, the drama would debut! We want to use the materials we brought to school to make our eco-bottle!
This is a picture of my favorite Spring Festival. This year, when traveling in Sri Lanka, I made a bottle of a marine ecosystem. Inside, I placed fish among some seaweed, algae, crabs, and shells cruising among the coral. My parents said I not only made a beautiful eco-bottle, but one that was full life.
带着憧憬,Matt 先教我们如何构画生态瓶的分析图,再让我们2~3人组成一组,拿出事先准备好的材料,根据分析图,动手做生态瓶框架。
Matt taught us how to draw a structure analysis diagram of our ecology bottle, and he let us form a group of 2 to 3 people to use the prepared material to make a DIY eco-bottle according to the analysis diagram.
It was a science experiment. We put two bottles of mineral water cut off at the top and bottom, placed in soil, sand, stone, and then placed the bottles together. Then we hung a thread inside the bottle (bottle down) into the water in the lower section of the bottle. We also wet the soil in the upper bottle, put seeds in the soil, and added earthworms to the soil. We then sprinkled some sand on the top of it all. Our eco-bottle production was complete!
Can the ecosystem that we produced form a complete ecosystem it? Let’s wait and see! After, we put it in the garden to grow, and we look forward to the seed to grow and produce life.
又到了作业时间,这一次我们是为爱之家设计宣传海报。金沙小学办小报可是出了名的棒,何况我本身就很爱狗狗呢!我把我的美术功底、手工折纸、拼图照片都用了上去,老师表扬说We made a very cute and beautiful poster for “Animal Love House”。It is so beautiful that even my own dog will love it! I put my knowledge of art, origami, puzzles photos to make the poster, and the teacher praised me by saying “Your poster is so beautiful and very cute!”
时间飞快地流逝,又到了我们最喜欢的体育活动时间,今天的主题是:手球。一如往常,绕着操场跑2圈,热身运动是小CASE,按照要求,还得完成追逐跑。最后,兵分四路,两两比赛。看哪个队更具备团队精神,配合得更好,结果我们那组,8人变5人,伤兵变逃兵,惨败而归。Oh!My God!我的体育课总是那么不幸!
Time passes quickly, but now it was time for our favorite sports activity: handball! As always, we ran two laps around the playground, but this warm-up exercise is only a small CASE for me. Finally, we broke up into smaller groups of four, and had two games. We wanted to see which team is the more prepared and best coordinated team. Our team could have ended up with a better result, but our 8 people turned into 5 people in the end! Oh! My God! My PE always so sad!
AiTuPo Leadership Camp’s course is awesome! I love it!